DokiDoki Precure Episode 03/Script: Difference between revisions

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TLC: Magenta<br>
TLC: Magenta<br>
Edit: Rika-chama<br>
Edit: Rika-chama<br>
QC: PrecureJunkie<br>

add Science Lab sign at 2s mark and QC
*add Science Lab sign at 2s mark
*add Makopi poster typeset at 4:28


Revision as of 04:51, 26 February 2013

TL: Kanmuri
Timing: BillyG
TLC: Magenta
Edit: Rika-chama
QC: PrecureJunkie


  • add Science Lab sign at 2s mark
  • add Makopi poster typeset at 4:28
  • QC
[Script Info]
; Script generated by Aegisub 3.0.2
Title: Default Aegisub file
ScriptType: v4.00+
WrapStyle: 0
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Collisions: Normal
Audio URI: [CureCom] DokiDoki! Precure - 03 [720p][RAW].mkv
Scroll Position: 0
Active Line: 0
Video Zoom Percent: 0.5
Video File: [CureCom] DokiDoki! Precure - 03 [720p][RAW].mkv
Video Aspect Ratio: c1.77778
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PlayResY: 720
YCbCr Matrix: TV.601

[V4+ Styles]
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Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Prologue
Dialogue: 0,0:00:10.34,0:00:11.73,Default,Mana,0,0,20,,Sorry I made you wait.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:11.73,0:00:13.52,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Have you figured anything out?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:13.52,0:00:17.44,Default,Rikka,0,0,10,,{\q2}Nothing meaningful, no. However, one thing is evident to me.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:17.44,0:00:20.40,Default,Rikka,0,0,10,,These weren't made of any known Earthly material. {Really, I was sure they were made of.... Curium! *rimshot*}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.40,0:00:21.99,Default,Mana,0,0,10,,No way!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:21.99,0:00:23.98,Default,Rikka,0,0,10,,Where did you get these?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.76,0:00:28.77,Default,Mana,0,0,10,,{\q2}This one appeared from a ball of light while I was transformed.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:28.77,0:00:32.21,Default,Mana,0,0,10,,And this one I got from the guy at...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:32.21,0:00:34.28,Default,Mana,0,0,10,,that accessory stand at Clover Tower.{there's a lot of connections in the original line as written, makes the line feel a bit disorientating. Truncating for brevity.}
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.44,0:00:38.71,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Do you three know anything about that?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:38.71,0:00:39.75,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,Not really.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:39.91,0:00:43.46,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,We came here right after we were born,\Nso we don't really know much of anything.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:43.69,0:00:46.57,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,That explains why you're so vague about everything.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:46.57,0:00:47.76,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,You're so rude!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:47.76,0:00:50.94,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,We've been doing the best that\Nwe can, given the circumstances!
Dialogue: 0,0:00:50.94,0:00:52.16,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Sorry, sorry.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:52.16,0:00:58.14,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,She's right. The three of them have helped me figure out quite a lot of things, actually.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:58.55,0:00:59.81,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Such as?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:00.45,0:01:05.25,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,It seems the Cure Lovies are the source of a Precure's powers.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:05.78,0:01:11.98,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I imagine each new Lovie unlocks new abilities,\Nbolstering your powers as a Precure.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:13.97,0:01:17.00,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,{へぇ from Mana}Cure Lovies really are incredible, aren't they?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:19.33,0:01:23.17,Default,Teacher,0,0,0,,Huh? Why are you two still here?
Dialogue: 0,0:01:23.92,0:01:28.52,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Sorry, sir, but we had some research we really needed to finish today...
Dialogue: 0,0:01:28.52,0:01:29.40,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Yup!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:29.94,0:01:32.04,Default,Teacher,0,0,0,,Well, I'm about to lock up.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:32.04,0:01:35.76,Default,Teacher,0,0,0,,You two better get this mess cleaned up and be ready to go in the next three minutes.
Dialogue: 0,0:01:36.07,0:01:36.90,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Oh no!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:36.90,0:01:38.91,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Hey, wait a sec!
Comment: 0,0:01:41.98,0:01:42.01,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,---OP---
Dialogue: 0,0:01:48.19,0:01:50.66,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k8}{\k16}se{\k20}ka{\k19}i {\k17}wa {\k18}ma{\k13}ru {\k15}de {\k21}me{\k15}rry-{\k34}go-{\k51}round!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:51.02,0:01:53.53,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k7}{\k17}a{\k16}i {\k18}de {\k18}ma{\k16}wa{\k15}ru {\k17}yo {\k35}three, {\k37}two, {\k55}one!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:53.83,0:01:55.56,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k7}{\k19}ki{\k19}ra{\k19}me{\k15}i{\k15}te {\k17}e{\k20}very{\k42}day
Dialogue: 0,0:01:55.73,0:01:59.23,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k12}{\k20}Do{\k34}ki{\k51}Do{\k36}ki {\k19}Pu{\k16}ri{\k16}kyu{\k146}a!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:00.73,0:02:06.14,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k6}{\k21}a{\k14}ta{\k12}ra{\k24}shi{\k29}i{\k40} {\k22}fu{\k15}ku {\k19}wo {\k16}ki{\k23}te{\k46} {\k22}ha{\k16}ji{\k17}me{\k36}te {\k16}no {\k15}mi{\k21}chi {\k36}a{\k35}ru{\k40}ku
Dialogue: 0,0:02:06.74,0:02:11.81,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k6}{\k18}to{\k18}ki{\k17}me{\k52}ku {\k14}ke{\k23}shi{\k13}ki {\k38}ni{\k49} {\k31}o{\k38}ha{\k35}ro{\k37}o! {\k21}ha{\k37}roo {\k16}ha{\k44}ro
Dialogue: 0,0:02:11.98,0:02:17.45,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k9}{\k15}ma{\k21}ga{\k16}ri{\k21}ka{\k28}do{\k41} {\k17}ha{\k18}na {\k15}no {\k20}i{\k35}ro{\k35} {\k20}kyo{\k15}u {\k16}no {\k34}ra{\k23}k{\k15}ki{\k18}i {\k33}ka{\k36}ra{\k46}a
Dialogue: 0,0:02:17.98,0:02:22.89,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k5}{\k21}tsu{\k20}i{\k18}te{\k52}ru {\k17}a{\k10}ta{\k27}shi {\k36}ni{\k48} {\k39}zen{\k15}bu {\k32}o{\k18}ma{\k26}ka{\k106}se!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:23.76,0:02:28.59,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k0}{\k18}to{\k16}mo{\k15}da{\k38}chi {\k33}da{\k20}t{\k19}ta{\k67}ra{\k55} {\k19}ko{\k17}ma{\k19}t{\k34}te{\k33}ru {\k19}to{\k18}ki {\k44}wa
Dialogue: 0,0:02:28.79,0:02:37.47,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k41}chi{\k19}ka{\k17}ra {\k34}ni{\k36} {\k36}na{\k18}ri{\k18}ta{\k35}i{\k52} {\k36}so{\k33}re {\k37}ga {\k30}fu{\k54}tsu{\k37}u {\k25}de{\k309}sho?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:39.14,0:02:41.54,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k14}do{\k17}ki{\k22}do{\k16}ki {\k14}da{\k16}ke {\k20}ga {\k13}Pu{\k19}ri{\k33}kyu{\k56}a!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:41.77,0:02:44.38,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k13}{\k17}se{\k18}ka{\k19}i {\k15}wo {\k17}ka{\k21}e{\k12}ru {\k37}hap{\k31}pii {\k60}rabu!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:44.64,0:02:47.18,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k8}{\k19}ka{\k16}wa{\k21}i{\k17}i {\k16}da{\k16}ke {\k19}ja {\k34}nai {\k35}no {\k53}ga
Dialogue: 0,0:02:47.48,0:02:51.05,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k9}{\k17}ga{\k16}a{\k18}ru{\k17}zu {\k18}no {\k18}ya{\k18}ku{\k70}so{\k36}ku {\k16}na {\k104}no
Dialogue: 0,0:02:51.85,0:02:57.09,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k10}{\k18}ki{\k20}mi {\k14}wo {\k38}shi{\k33}n{\k39}ji{\k50}ru.{\k71} {\k19}ta{\k16}me {\k18}ni {\k36}ta{\k35}ta{\k36}ka{\k71}u
Dialogue: 0,0:02:57.12,0:03:03.00,OPRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k31}mu{\k34}te{\k20}ki {\k33}na! {\k16}ya{\k33}sa{\k25}shi{\k35}sa! {\k18}a{\k17}tsu{\k18}me{\k158}te{\k10}.{\k11}.{\k12}. {\k40}(Iee) {\k14}Pu{\k19}ri{\k17}kyu{\k27}a!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:43.82,0:01:48.19,OPEng,,0,0,0,,(Happy Go! Lucky girls! Precure! Yeah)
Dialogue: 0,0:01:48.19,0:01:50.66,OPEng,,0,0,0,,The world's a spinning merry-go-round!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:51.02,0:01:53.53,OPEng,,0,0,0,,Love makes it go 'round, 3-2-1!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:53.83,0:01:55.56,OPEng,,0,0,0,,Everyday is glistening!
Dialogue: 0,0:01:55.73,0:01:59.23,OPEng,,0,0,0,,DokiDoki Precure!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:00.73,0:02:06.14,OPEng,,0,0,0,,I throw on some new clothes and take a walk down a new street.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:06.74,0:02:11.81,OPEng,,0,0,0,,And as I pass the breathtaking scenery, I say a nice hello! Hello 'ello
Dialogue: 0,0:02:11.98,0:02:17.45,OPEng,,0,0,0,,The color of the flowers at the street corner is today's lucky color.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:17.98,0:02:22.89,OPEng,,0,0,0,,Luckily that's what I'm wearing, so you're in good hands!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:23.76,0:02:28.59,OPEng,,0,0,0,,We're friends, so when you're in trouble,
Dialogue: 0,0:02:28.79,0:02:37.47,OPEng,,0,0,0,,It's natural that we'd want to help you out, right?
Dialogue: 0,0:02:37.47,0:02:39.14,OPEng,,0,0,0,,(Happy! Lucky! Precure!)
Dialogue: 0,0:02:39.14,0:02:41.54,OPEng,,0,0,0,,Only Precure can make you this excited!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:41.77,0:02:44.38,OPEng,,0,0,0,,A world-changing happy love!
Dialogue: 0,0:02:44.64,0:02:47.18,OPEng,,0,0,0,,It's not just about being cute,
Dialogue: 0,0:02:47.48,0:02:51.05,OPEng,,0,0,0,,This girls' pact of ours.
Dialogue: 0,0:02:51.85,0:02:57.09,OPEng,,0,0,0,,I believe in you. And that's why I fight
Dialogue: 0,0:02:57.12,0:03:03.00,OPEng,,0,0,0,,Invincible! Graceful! Together we are... (Yeah) Precure!
Comment: 0,0:01:15.99,0:01:15.99,Default,,0,0,0,,---END OP---
Comment: 0,0:03:21.95,0:03:21.98,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,{Diamonds are a Precure's best friend}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:32.04,0:03:37.10,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Yeah, I have to say, I {\i1}am{\i0} a bit curious about the guy who gave you that Cure Lovie.{She's talking like we've jumped into the middle of their conversation.}{added a "Yeah" to make it even moreso}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:37.70,0:03:39.99,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I think it might be worth\Ntrying to track him dow{\fscx250}-{trails off}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:42.44,0:03:43.54,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Mana?
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.78,0:03:51.61,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Hey, get this! Makopi's next concert is gonna be at the Yotsuba Stadium.
Dialogue: 0,0:03:51.61,0:03:55.64,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,There were 60,000 tickets, but I heard they sold out in just three minutes!
Dialogue: 0,0:03:55.64,0:03:58.42,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Man, I really wanted to go, too!{She's pining for the lost opportunity to go to the future concert, not a previous concert.}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:59.18,0:04:02.56,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Geez, Mana. This is no time for making merry.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:03.39,0:04:04.52,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,That's right!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:04.52,0:04:08.77,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,We still don't know who that Precure that saved Mana is! {Uh, huh.... *wink, wink* *nudge, nudge*}
Dialogue: 0,0:04:17.27,0:04:18.44,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Mana...
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.41,0:04:27.10,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,All right! I'm starving, so how about we head back to my place and think about this over some dinner?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:27.68,0:04:28.69,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,No objections here!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:28.69,0:04:29.56,Default,Raquel + Cheryl,0,0,0,,Yeah!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:29.56,0:04:33.03,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Ah, I should probably call and let my mom know what's going on.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:34.20,0:04:35.81,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,What's she doing?
Dialogue: 0,0:04:35.81,0:04:40.66,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Rikka's mom's a doctor, so she's\Noften working during the evenings.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:40.66,0:04:43.18,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,So she's calling to let her know what we're doing.
Dialogue: 0,0:04:48.52,0:04:50.23,Default,Kentarou,0,0,0,,Here you go. Eat up!
Dialogue: 0,0:04:51.80,0:04:53.31,Default,Mana + Rikka,0,0,0,,Wow! Thanks! {That looks really good *drool* xD}
Dialogue: 0,0:04:56.70,0:04:59.09,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,It's like it's melting in my mouth. {「うーん ほっぺた落ちそう」}
Dialogue: 0,0:04:59.09,0:05:02.15,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Your dad's cooking really {\i1}is{\i0} the best, Mana! {Sounds better to me than "Mana's dad's cooking..."}{Wow... she CAN be genki if she (doesn't) try, I guess... }
Dialogue: 0,0:05:02.15,0:05:03.38,Default,Kentarou,0,0,0,,Glad to hear it!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:03.38,0:05:05.98,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,That's my dad for you!
Comment: 0,0:05:06.26,0:05:06.52,Default,Grandpa,0,0,0,,Hmph!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:06.74,0:05:07.62,Default,Mana + Rikka + Kentarou,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:07.62,0:05:10.49,Default,Grandpa,0,0,0,,He's half the chef I am!{Ohai Mephisto-sama}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:12.16,0:05:15.19,Default,Kentarou,0,0,0,,Is that a challenge I'm hearing, dad?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:15.19,0:05:17.19,Default,Grandpa,0,0,0,,If you think you're up to it!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:18.21,0:05:21.73,Default,Kentarou,0,0,0,,If you think my skills haven't improved over the last few years, you're making a big mistake.{'sup Souta}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:21.73,0:05:23.04,Default,Grandpa,0,0,0,,You've still got a long way to go!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:23.14,0:05:25.00,Default,Ayumi,0,0,0,,Yeah, yeah. That's enough, you two.{and Hi there, Ako!}
Dialogue: 0,0:05:25.54,0:05:28.41,Default,Ayumi,0,0,0,,The customers are waiting, so finish this later, okay?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:28.41,0:05:31.78,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Sorry, you guys are always feeding me.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:31.78,0:05:33.52,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I hope I'm not a bother.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:34.40,0:05:39.46,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Hey, don't be like that! We're neighbors{lovers}!\NOf course we're gonna help each other out!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:39.46,0:05:40.74,Default,Ayumi,0,0,0,,{to incoming customer} Welcome!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:41.48,0:05:42.88,Default,Ayumi,0,0,0,,{to Rikka}Make yourself at home, okay?
Dialogue: 0,0:05:42.88,0:05:45.29,Default,Kentarou,0,0,0,,There's plenty more where that came from.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:45.50,0:05:47.28,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Thank you very much!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:50.73,0:05:52.76,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Thanks for dinner.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:52.76,0:05:54.57,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Thank you for joining us!
Dialogue: 0,0:05:55.12,0:05:57.83,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,You two really are{gay.} good friends.
Dialogue: 0,0:05:57.83,0:06:00.97,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,I have to ask. Have you considered becoming a Precure, Rikka?{Yeah, Rikka! all the COOL kids are doing it, you know!}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:00.97,0:06:01.90,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:01.90,0:06:03.68,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Well, um...
Dialogue: 0,0:06:03.68,0:06:10.82,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,You're really smart and kind, and I'd... really love it if you were my partner.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:10.82,0:06:12.15,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Great idea!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:12.15,0:06:15.62,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,With you at my side, we'd be a veritable army!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:16.72,0:06:18.82,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Me? A Precure?{Yeah, yeah, not /technically/ correct grammar, but I think it works here. - Rika}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:18.82,0:06:19.88,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,What would her name be?
Dialogue: 0,0:06:19.88,0:06:26.30,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Let's see. I'm Heart, so how about Cure Dia?{So, you're making her a guardian character, now?}
Dialogue: 0,0:06:26.30,0:06:27.17,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Yeah yeah!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:27.17,0:06:28.90,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,What a second here!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:29.31,0:06:33.51,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I'm not awesome at sports like you are, Mana.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:33.51,0:06:36.16,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I get really nervous when I'm the center of attention.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:36.91,0:06:41.23,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I'd look awful in that lacy costume, also.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:41.23,0:06:45.62,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Anyway, it's not like I can just snap\Nmy fingers and become a Precure!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:45.62,0:06:49.99,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,That's fine! If I was able to become one, I'm sure you can too!
Dialogue: 0,0:06:49.99,0:06:55.63,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,You have a strong sense of justice and everyone always turns to you in their hour of need.
Dialogue: 0,0:06:56.25,0:06:59.97,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I can see how you became a Precure, but I...
Dialogue: 0,0:07:00.72,0:07:02.77,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I'm just not cut out for it.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:02.77,0:07:05.42,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I have a hard enough time\Njust looking out for myself.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:05.42,0:07:09.31,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,That's not true! You're always there to help me when I need you, Rikka!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:11.92,0:07:13.20,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Thank you!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:14.15,0:07:14.91,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Rikka.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:14.91,0:07:19.58,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Don't worry, I'll always be here to back you up when you need it!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:20.07,0:07:24.59,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Let's go find the guy who gave\Nyou that Lovie tomorrow, okay?
Dialogue: 0,0:07:24.59,0:07:25.56,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Good night!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:28.80,0:07:30.23,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,A valiant escape.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:32.29,0:07:33.66,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I'm home.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:34.10,0:07:35.09,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Hmm?
Dialogue: 0,0:07:38.60,0:07:39.81,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,It's from Papa!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:40.55,0:07:43.14,Default,Letter from Rikka's dad,0,0,0,,{\i1}Rikka, how are you doing?
Dialogue: 0,0:07:43.14,0:07:46.41,Default,Letter from Rikka's dad,0,0,0,,{\i1}I'm currently in a place called Machu Picchu.
Dialogue: 0,0:07:46.41,0:07:52.24,Default,Letter from Rikka's dad,0,0,0,,{\i1}The people in this area are very kind and\Nhave sold me antiques at really low prices!
Dialogue: 0,0:07:53.06,0:07:54.79,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Machu Picchu?
Dialogue: 0,0:07:55.52,0:08:02.59,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Geez Papa. Since you're a pro photographer and all,\NI thought you would have sent me at {\i1}least{\i0} one photo.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:04.55,0:08:06.55,Default,Letter from Rikka to her dad,0,0,0,,{\i1}To my precious Papa: {alternatively "Dearest Dad", I like the alliteration, but felt I should stick with "Papa"}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:06.55,0:08:09.17,Default,Letter from Rikka to her dad,0,0,0,,{\i1}Thanks you, as always,\Nfor the unique souvenirs.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:09.69,0:08:11.90,Default,Letter from Rikka to her dad,0,0,0,,{\i1}Mama and I are both fine.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:12.74,0:08:17.56,Default,Letter from Rikka to her dad,0,0,0,,{\i1}Mama's been too busy to even catch a cold with her work at the hospital.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:19.73,0:08:22.56,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I obviously can't write about Precure.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:23.84,0:08:26.64,Default,Letter continues,0,0,0,,{\i1}This week is one where we greet all the students as they come to school. {This is known as あいさつ運動, and, given what I saw for image and video searches for the term, was probably what they were doing in that lineup last episode, which is why I picked that wording. That and "we're practicing our greetings" sounds very... odd. The purpose of あいさつ運動 is to practice your あいさつ (greetings and farewells). According to what what I found in my research, the idea is to foster better social ties and behaviors by practicing proper, energetic greetings. Or something like that.}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:26.64,0:08:30.36,Default,Letter continues,0,0,0,,{\i1}So I've been getting up every\Nday at 6 AM to go to school.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:30.36,0:08:35.68,Default,Letter continues,0,0,0,,{\i1}Whenever Mana shouts "Good morning!",\Nthe sheer force of it knocks the cold right out of you.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:35.68,0:08:38.76,Default,Letter continues,0,0,0,,{\i1}Anyway, Papa, make sure\Nyou look after yourself.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:39.18,0:08:41.79,Default,Letter continues,0,0,0,,{\i1}I look forward to hearing\Nmore of your travel stories.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:48.10,0:08:49.37,Default,Mammo,0,0,0,,You're in a foul mood today.
Dialogue: 0,0:08:49.37,0:08:50.68,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Of course I am!
Dialogue: 0,0:08:51.01,0:08:53.81,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Those brats crushed my selfishness twice!{Went kinda liberal on this, but I like the wordplay, here - Rika}
Dialogue: 0,0:08:56.06,0:09:00.35,Default,Bel,0,0,0,,You've gotta keep a cool head if you want to win the game, Ira.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:00.55,0:09:01.65,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Bel!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:01.65,0:09:04.19,Default,Mammo,0,0,0,,Oh my! What brings you here?
Dialogue: 0,0:09:04.19,0:09:08.30,Default,Bel,0,0,0,,Orders from above, unfortunately.\NEvidently they want me to keep an eye on things.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:08.30,0:09:12.66,Default,Bel,0,0,0,,Why exactly is one little runt demanding so much effort from you two?
Dialogue: 0,0:09:12.66,0:09:14.37,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,It's not just one!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:14.37,0:09:16.05,Default,Mammo,0,0,0,,They seem to have multiplied. {This TL's for you, Mag, w.}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:16.05,0:09:17.64,Default,Mammo,0,0,0,,There are two Precure now.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:17.64,0:09:21.24,Default,Bel,0,0,0,,Well, that {\i1}does{\i0} sound taxing. However, if\Nyou {\i1}really{\i0} need help, I guess I could assist...
Dialogue: 0,0:09:21.24,0:09:23.01,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,I don't need your stinkin' help!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:23.31,0:09:27.44,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,No matter how many there are, I'll take care of 'em myself!{STRIKE!!!}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:35.56,0:09:36.82,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,A luv letter? {"luv" instead of "love" because of how Mana says レチャー instead of レター in a teasing manner.}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:36.82,0:09:37.69,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Mana!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:37.88,0:09:41.82,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,It's for my dad! He'd be upset if I didn't write him back.{besides... th-the only person I'd write a l-l-l-l-l-love letter to is you..... baka....}
Dialogue: 0,0:09:41.82,0:09:47.96,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Nothing could be greater than the joy of receiving a letter from a loved one, especially one's daughter!
Dialogue: 0,0:09:48.76,0:09:51.38,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Why don't you write to {\i1}your{\i0} dad, then?
Dialogue: 0,0:09:51.38,0:09:56.29,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,My dad doesn't travel overseas like yours.
Dialogue: 0,0:09:56.29,0:09:59.61,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,It's hardly worth writing a letter when we live in the same house, is it?
Dialogue: 0,0:09:59.61,0:10:04.94,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Oh come on! Your dad's awesome! His cooking always brings joy to everyone who eats it!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:04.94,0:10:08.29,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,So why not tell him how awesome he is in a letter?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:08.29,0:10:12.76,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,But my dad's not awesome enough to win trophies in photo contests like yours does!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:18.08,0:10:20.28,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,Come on, you two, get a move on!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:20.28,0:10:24.14,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,We need to go talk to that guy who gave you the Cure Lovie!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:24.14,0:10:27.04,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Okay, okay. We're going now.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:27.04,0:10:28.44,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,Whoa there!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:28.96,0:10:29.81,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Mana!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:29.81,0:10:31.00,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Ow!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:31.00,0:10:33.09,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,My apologies. You're not hurt, I trust?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:33.09,0:10:36.10,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Ah, thanks. Sorry about that.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:36.62,0:10:38.75,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Oh! Hi there!
Dialogue: 0,0:10:39.42,0:10:40.76,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Is that someone you know?
Dialogue: 0,0:10:41.10,0:10:45.97,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,He's the guy who gave me the Cure Lovie.
Dialogue: 0,0:10:45.97,0:10:48.67,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,So we meet again, baby? {<Joe_Okada> Do the monkey with me!}{God, you're creepy, Joe...}
Dialogue: 0,0:10:48.93,0:10:48.96,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,{Eyecatch}
Comment: 0,0:10:55.93,0:10:56.26,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,{Okay, so who is this suave blond guy anyway, really?}
Dialogue: 0,0:11:03.29,0:11:04.58,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,I'm happy to see you.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:04.90,0:11:09.11,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,To think that we'd run into each other again on my store's opening day.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:09.11,0:11:11.65,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,I wonder if you'd call\Nthat the hand of fate.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:11.65,0:11:13.20,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Opening?
Dialogue: 0,0:11:13.20,0:11:15.00,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,This is my new shop.
Dialogue: 0,0:11:15.78,0:11:18.06,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Wow! It's so cute!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:18.79,0:11:21.03,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,Would you like to take a look inside?
Dialogue: 0,0:11:21.03,0:11:22.38,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I'd love to!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:23.09,0:11:24.66,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Hey, wait a sec!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:24.66,0:11:25.66,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,What's up?
Dialogue: 0,0:11:25.66,0:11:28.04,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,This is all a bit shady if you ask me!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:28.04,0:11:31.24,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,He just {\i1}happens{\i0} to open up a new store in our town after all that? Seriously?!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:31.91,0:11:34.38,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,If you ask me, he's stalking you, Mana!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:34.38,0:11:35.78,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Don't be silly!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:35.78,0:11:36.86,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,What's wrong?
Dialogue: 0,0:11:36.86,0:11:37.88,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Umm...
Dialogue: 0,0:11:37.88,0:11:40.49,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Just who exactly {\i1}are{\i0} you?
Dialogue: 0,0:11:40.49,0:11:41.15,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Hang on{\fscx250}-
Dialogue: 0,0:11:41.42,0:11:43.01,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Rikka! Geez...
Dialogue: 0,0:11:43.01,0:11:47.56,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Do you realize that this Lovie you\Ngave Mana made her transform?!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:47.56,0:11:49.25,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I want answers, now!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:50.06,0:11:52.24,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Well, explain yourself!
Dialogue: 0,0:11:58.34,0:12:00.01,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,What's so funny?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:00.01,0:12:01.99,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,Apologies, my fair lady.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:02.70,0:12:05.02,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,She... transformed?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:05.60,0:12:09.41,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,It's amazing how these things can be the impetus a girl needs to reinvent herself.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:09.41,0:12:11.25,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I'm not talking figuratively here!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:11.25,0:12:14.18,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I really did transform, though.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:14.34,0:12:19.63,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,You mean my Lovies have the power to bring forth a new you, right?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:19.63,0:12:23.36,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,To know that I've brought you\Nsuch joy is the greatest gift of all.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:24.08,0:12:25.31,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,Thank you.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:27.26,0:12:28.46,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Okay, that's enough!{Mana's MY WOMAN! GET THAT? MY. WOMAN.}
Dialogue: 0,0:12:30.39,0:12:35.43,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,Oh, that's right. When I was sorting\Nthrough my stock, I came across this.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:38.02,0:12:40.14,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,It's just like your Lovie, Mana!
Dialogue: 0,0:12:40.14,0:12:41.52,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,I'd like you to take it.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:41.52,0:12:43.22,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,M-Me?
Dialogue: 0,0:12:43.22,0:12:45.95,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,A freebie in honor of my store opening.
Dialogue: 0,0:12:49.38,0:12:51.02,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Th-That's a{\fscx250}-
Dialogue: 0,0:12:57.64,0:12:58.69,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Rikka?
Dialogue: 0,0:13:00.04,0:13:01.22,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,You okay?
Dialogue: 0,0:13:01.22,0:13:02.99,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Y-Yeah.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:02.99,0:13:04.78,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,You seem to be quite taken by it. {Same wording used in episode one. n.n}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:09.09,0:13:10.46,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I'm sorry, but...
Dialogue: 0,0:13:11.27,0:13:12.90,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I can't accept this.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:13.50,0:13:14.47,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Rikka?
Dialogue: 0,0:13:14.47,0:13:19.68,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I refuse to accept some meaningless gift from a\Ncomplete stranger who just comes waltzing into town.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:19.68,0:13:23.88,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,And above all, I refuse to let you get\Naway with your disgraceful behavior.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:24.82,0:13:27.85,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,You seem to misunderstand my intentions.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:28.44,0:13:29.80,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Do I, now?
Dialogue: 0,0:13:30.13,0:13:32.42,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,It was not I who chose to give it to you.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:33.15,0:13:36.33,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,It was the Cure Lovie that\Nchose to be with you.
Dialogue: 0,0:13:36.84,0:13:42.30,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,I think it should be up to you to decide if and how you will use that power to the fullest. Am I right?
Dialogue: 0,0:13:46.94,0:13:49.78,Default,Girl 1,0,0,0,,Hurry up and drop in\Nyour love letter, jeez!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:49.78,0:13:50.58,Default,Girl 2,0,0,0,,But...
Dialogue: 0,0:13:50.83,0:13:52.83,Default,Girl 2,0,0,0,,What do I do if he doesn't respond?
Dialogue: 0,0:13:52.83,0:13:55.86,Default,Girl 1,0,0,0,,It's better to worry about that\Nrather than to not send it at all!
Dialogue: 0,0:13:55.86,0:13:58.03,Default,Girl 1,0,0,0,,Come on! Just be brave and do it!{No, silly, if she were /really/ brave, she'd give it to him in person.}
Dialogue: 0,0:13:58.42,0:13:59.52,Default,Girl 2,0,0,0,,But, but...
Dialogue: 0,0:13:59.52,0:14:02.17,Default,Male victim,0,0,0,,Sheesh, a love letter?
Dialogue: 0,0:14:02.17,0:14:05.39,Default,Male victim,0,0,0,,I don't even get so much as a New Year's card from a girl.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:07.36,0:14:10.02,Default,Male victim,0,0,0,,I hope it gets lost in the mail.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:13.88,0:14:14.64,Default,Girl 1,0,0,0,,Let's get out of here.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:14.64,0:14:19.04,Default,Male victim,0,0,0,,Yikes! If I keep saying stuff like that,\NI'll never get a girlfriend.{Foreveralone.jpg You must be Anonymous}
Dialogue: 0,0:14:21.34,0:14:23.42,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,It's not your fault.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:23.42,0:14:24.38,Default,Male victim,0,0,0,,Who's there?
Dialogue: 0,0:14:25.67,0:14:29.19,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,I'm gonna grant your wish.
Dialogue: 0,0:14:39.96,0:14:43.94,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Rampage, and unleash the\Ndarkness within your heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:51.15,0:14:53.54,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Why are you baaaaaaacking away?
Dialogue: 0,0:14:54.49,0:14:57.11,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Ewe and ewer letters are\Na baaaaaad influence!
Dialogue: 0,0:14:57.88,0:15:00.08,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Come and stop us, Precure!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:00.41,0:15:02.25,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,This time I'm gonna\Nsend you to an early{\fscx250}-
Dialogue: 0,0:15:02.25,0:15:04.56,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Mmm mmm, these\Nletters aren't baaaaaaaaad!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:04.56,0:15:07.50,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,What in blazes are you doing?!\NYou should be rampaging!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:07.50,0:15:09.35,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,These postcards aren't baaaaad either!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:09.54,0:15:11.46,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,You selfish Selfishe.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:13.54,0:15:15.06,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,We've got a problem!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:16.66,0:15:17.56,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,What's wrong?
Dialogue: 0,0:15:17.56,0:15:19.96,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,We can hear the\Nheartbeat of a Selfishe!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:20.99,0:15:21.80,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Rikka!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:23.99,0:15:25.83,Default,Joe,0,0,0,,Your friend's calling you.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:26.48,0:15:29.14,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I'll deal with you later. Let's go.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:29.14,0:15:30.18,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Right.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:31.98,0:15:33.85,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Selfishe!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:36.65,0:15:39.92,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Junk mail's maaaaaarvelous!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:39.92,0:15:41.22,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Yeah, there's the Selfishe!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:41.47,0:15:43.34,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,It's eating all the letters!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:43.34,0:15:44.45,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Let's go, Cheryl!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:44.45,0:15:45.69,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,Okay.
Dialogue: 0,0:15:46.23,0:15:48.04,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,Cheryl!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:50.18,0:15:52.80,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Precure Love Link!
Dialogue: 0,0:15:54.81,0:15:57.96,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,L O V E
Dialogue: 0,0:16:33.60,0:16:37.12,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Abundant love, Cure Heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:40.74,0:16:42.95,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Poor, sad, and lovelorn goat...
Dialogue: 0,0:16:43.50,0:16:48.22,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,I, Cure Heart, will make your heart beat with love again!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:48.72,0:16:50.53,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,There you are, Precure!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:50.53,0:16:52.75,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Get 'er, Selfishe!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:52.75,0:16:54.88,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Express mail's taaaaaasty!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:54.88,0:16:57.03,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Could you just {\i1}try{\i0}\Nlistening to me for once?!
Dialogue: 0,0:16:59.37,0:17:02.06,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,That's Rikka's air mail!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:10.96,0:17:14.88,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Hey ewe! Haaaaaaand\Nthose letters over!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:19.35,0:17:22.29,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,What's wrong? You've gotta\Nfight him, Cure Heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:23.27,0:17:27.89,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,People have poured their hearts into these letters! No way am I letting him eat them!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:29.69,0:17:31.12,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Get her, Selfishe!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:31.12,0:17:32.83,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Let's crush that Precure for good!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:32.83,0:17:34.67,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Selfishe!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:34.84,0:17:36.63,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Run, Cure Heart! {Comma's needed here, otherwise it looks like it's saying to run the software named "Cure Heart" or something like that. ;)}
Dialogue: 0,0:17:37.75,0:17:39.47,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,I won't let you have them!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:39.91,0:17:41.27,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Mana!
Dialogue: 0,0:17:55.25,0:17:58.44,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,{\i1}Mana and I have been friends for as long as I can remember.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:02.83,0:18:08.77,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,{\i1}Every day has been bright and shiny and\Nfull of fun because she's been here with me.{damn, chickie, you're in love}
Dialogue: 0,0:18:11.74,0:18:13.94,Default,Teacher,0,0,0,,{\i1}So it's that time of year again, huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:13.94,0:18:16.82,Default,Male student 1,0,0,0,,{\i1}Next year's Student Council\NPresident's gotta be Mana, right?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:16.82,0:18:17.71,Default,Male student 2,0,0,0,,{\i1}Totally.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:17.71,0:18:19.58,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,{\i1}M-Me?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:19.58,0:18:22.16,Default,Female student 1,0,0,0,,{\i1}Yeah, there's no one else we'd rather have.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:22.16,0:18:23.73,Default,Female student 2,0,0,0,,{\i1}Run for President, Mana!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:23.73,0:18:24.68,Default,Female student 1,0,0,0,,{\i1}Yeah!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:24.68,0:18:26.97,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,{\i1}Well, in that case,\Nlet's run together, Rikka.
Dialogue: 0,0:18:26.97,0:18:27.67,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,{\i1}Huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:27.67,0:18:30.98,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,{\i1}I'll be President, and you\Ncan be the Secretary, okay?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:30.98,0:18:33.69,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,{\i1}Wait a minute? Why me?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:33.69,0:18:41.67,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,{\i1}Because I need your help, Rikka! I know that I'll be able to do so much more if you're there beside me!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:42.47,0:18:43.90,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,{\i1}Mana...
Dialogue: 0,0:18:45.47,0:18:46.94,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Cure Heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:18:50.69,0:18:56.51,Default,Joe (audio-only flashback),0,0,0,,{\i1}I think it should be up to you to decide if and how you will use that power to the fullest. Am I right?
Dialogue: 0,0:18:57.06,0:18:59.02,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,This is... {\i1}my{\i0} power!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:00.82,0:19:02.28,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Selfishe!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:02.28,0:19:03.79,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Wh-What the{\fscx250}-
Dialogue: 0,0:19:07.27,0:19:08.61,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,That light!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:11.96,0:19:13.09,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Rikka!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:14.07,0:19:15.27,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Raquel!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:15.27,0:19:17.77,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Place that light on me!{In ep 1, Cheryl says 輝き, in this ep, Raquel says 光 n.n}
Dialogue: 0,0:19:18.19,0:19:19.10,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Okay!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:20.08,0:19:21.23,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Raquel!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:23.35,0:19:26.37,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Precure Love Link!
Dialogue: 0,0:19:27.52,0:19:30.72,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,L O V E
Dialogue: 0,0:20:00.47,0:20:04.08,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,The light of wisdom, Cure Diamond!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:06.95,0:20:09.95,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,I will not allow you to trample anyone's feelings underfoot!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:10.40,0:20:15.20,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,I, Cure Diamond, will cool your head for you!{Rikka is now Nanoha}
Dialogue: 0,0:20:15.66,0:20:17.36,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Cure Diamond!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:18.10,0:20:19.68,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,They keep multiplying!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:19.68,0:20:21.28,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Get 'em, Selfishe!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:21.28,0:20:22.40,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Selfishe!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:23.23,0:20:25.70,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,{\i1}I'm Aida Mana, nice to meet ya!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:29.25,0:20:33.51,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,I, too, can soar to untold heights,\Nas long as Mana's by my side!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:36.52,0:20:37.78,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Raquel!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:43.80,0:20:47.68,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,Sparkle for me, Twinkle Diamond!
Dialogue: 0,0:20:51.03,0:20:54.23,Default,Selfishe,0,0,0,,Love! Love Loooooove!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:03.01,0:21:03.77,Default,Male victim,0,0,0,,Huh?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:12.22,0:21:14.48,Default,Ira,0,0,0,,Blast it! You'll pay for that later! {This is the first time in 3 eps they actually used this classic corny line, w}
Dialogue: 0,0:21:15.86,0:21:16.86,Default,Cure Diamond,0,0,0,,Cure Heart!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:16.86,0:21:17.79,Default,Cure Heart,0,0,0,,Hmm?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:23.34,0:21:28.10,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I'm so glad! I knew if anyone could transform, it would be you, Rikka.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:30.09,0:21:32.53,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,This was the right\Nthing to do, wasn't it?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:32.53,0:21:35.34,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Rikka, I'm so glad\Nyou're my new partner!
Dialogue: 0,0:21:35.34,0:21:36.07,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Me too.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:36.07,0:21:40.38,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,Since Raquel's found a partner,\Nthe only one left is Lance.
Dialogue: 0,0:21:42.98,0:21:43.98,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,Lance?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:43.98,0:21:45.91,Default,Raquel,0,0,0,,Where are you?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:46.43,0:21:48.85,Default,Rikka,0,0,0,,Now that you mention it,\Nhow long has Lance been missing?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:48.85,0:21:51.66,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Oh! How long {\i1}has{\i0} it been?
Dialogue: 0,0:21:51.66,0:21:55.83,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,I'm pretty sure he was with us during school yesterday, but after that...
Dialogue: 0,0:21:57.89,0:22:00.87,Default,Everyone,0,0,0,,Oh no! Lance is missing!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:07.67,0:22:09.54,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,You all seem to be quite\Ntroubled about something.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:10.98,0:22:12.48,Default,Mana + Rikka,0,0,0,,Alice!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:13.64,0:22:16.95,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,Good day to you, Mana-chan, Rikka-chan.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:17.97,0:22:19.70,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,Who's that?
Comment: 0,0:22:19.92,0:22:19.96,Default,,0,0,0,,---ED---
Dialogue: 0,0:22:20.86,0:22:27.05,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k16}{\blur3}{\k23}ko{\k29}no {\k56}so{\k23}ra {\k41}no {\k25}mu{\k41}ko{\k45}u {\k22}ni {\k42}wa {\k23}do{\k40}n{\k44}na {\k28}yu{\k39}me {\k22}ga {\k24}a{\k39}ru
Dialogue: 0,0:22:27.87,0:22:37.13,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k8}{\blur3}{\k24}ha{\k33}te{\k50}shi{\k24}na{\k40}ku {\k24}tsu{\k44}zu{\k43}i{\k21}te{\k43}ku {\k25}mi{\k43}ra{\k32}i {\k36}shi{\k38}n{\k21}ji{\k45}te {\k18}te {\k46}wo {\k24}no {\k38}ba{\k47}shi{\k159}te
Dialogue: 0,0:22:37.31,0:22:42.65,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k15}{\blur3}{\k22}Pu{\k22}Pu{\k21}Pu {\k22}Pu{\k21}ri{\k21}kyu{\k53}a!{\k164} {\k21}Pu{\k22}Pu{\k23}Pu {\k21}Pu{\k20}ri{\k22}kyu{\k43}a!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:44.30,0:22:48.95,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k13}{\blur3}{\k20}Pu{\k22}Pu{\k23}Pu {\k21}Pu{\k22}ri{\k21}kyu{\k22}a! {\k22}Do{\k21}ki{\k21}Do{\k22}ki {\k22}shi{\k22}yo{\k21}u {\k24}yo{\k19} {\k62}Yeah! {\k47}Yeah!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:49.24,0:22:55.54,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k16}{\blur3\3c&HEA43EE&}{\k43}chi{\k28}i{\k56}sa {\k24}na {\k21}ko{\k23}no {\k43}te {\k41}ni{\k65} {\k44}na{\k38}ni {\k46}wo {\k44}ne{\k24}ga{\k44}u {\k30}no?
Dialogue: 0,0:22:56.17,0:23:02.38,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k13}{\blur3\3c&HEF0999&}{\k45}ki{\k42}mi {\k45}wa {\k43}i{\k23}ma {\k20}do{\k23}ko {\k21}de {\k23}{\k21}na{\k22}ni {\k20}wo {\k24}mi{\k19}te{\k22} {\k21}na{\k23}ni {\k42}wo {\k23}ka{\k22}n{\k21}ji{\k22}te{\k21}ru?
Dialogue: 0,0:23:02.46,0:23:06.55,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k15}{\blur3}{\k21}{\3c&HC6ABE6&}ne{\k23}e{\k20} {\k22}{\3c&HF9B07C&}nan {\k19}man{\k24}kou {\k20}nen {\k22}sa{\k9}ki {\k34}wa {\k44}too{\k21}ri {\k22}mi{\k21}ra{\k20}i {\k10}ja {\k41}nai!
Dialogue: 0,0:23:06.59,0:23:09.97,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k12}{\blur3}{\k14}{\3c&H24ABD2&}mo{\k8}chi{\k22}ron {\k11}ji{\k19}kan {\k15}no {\k20}ta{\k13}ni {\k21}ja {\k52}na{\k21}i {\k23}no {\k32}mo {\k10}sho{\k20}u{\k20}chi
Dialogue: 0,0:23:10.01,0:23:14.52,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k16}{\blur3\3c&HF4DFA4&}{\k22}ki{\k22}ra{\k22}me{\k7}ku {\k13}no{\k21}zo{\k13}mi {\k31}wa {\k21}hi{\k28}ka{\k16}ri {\k22}da{\k22}t{\k23}te {\k21}ko{\k22}e{\k108}ru
Dialogue: 0,0:23:14.64,0:23:20.98,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k10}{\blur3}{\k20}ko{\k32}no {\k54}se{\k22}ka{\k40}i {\k25}tsu{\k44}na{\k42}gu {\k23}mo{\k38}no {\k26}so{\k42}re {\k44}wa {\k30}a{\k34}i {\k46}da {\k62}yo
Dialogue: 0,0:23:21.73,0:23:28.45,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k14}{\blur3}{\k22}yu{\k22}me {\k43}mo{\k18}no{\k45}ga{\k24}ta{\k38}ri {\k47}ja {\k22}na{\k43}i {\k21}do{\k44}ko {\k42}ma{\k24}de {\k42}mo {\k22}te {\k31}wo{\k11} {\k24}tsu{\k36}na{\k26}i{\k10}de
Dialogue: 0,0:23:28.49,0:23:34.66,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k8}{\k24}{\blur3\3c&H7B59DE&}ko{\k28}no {\k57}so{\k23}ra {\k42}no {\k21}mu{\k39}ko{\k47}u {\k24}ni {\k43}wa {\k22}do{\k42}n{\k42}na {\k25}yu{\k41}me {\k21}ga {\k24}a{\k44}ru
Dialogue: 0,0:23:35.52,0:23:44.86,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k22}{\blur3\3c&H7B59DE&}{\k26}ta{\k20}i{\k41}se{\k24}tsu {\k41}ni {\k27}ka{\k37}n{\k44}ji{\k25}te{\k42}ru {\k21}to{\k39}ki{\k46}me{\k24}ki {\k40}wo {\k23}ko{\k44}no {\k24}u{\k35}ta {\k24}ni {\k38}no {\k53}se{\k174}te
Dialogue: 0,0:23:44.99,0:23:48.49,EDRomaji,,0,0,0,,{\k8}{\blur3\3c&H7B59DE&}{\k22}Pu{\k22}Pu{\k21}Pu {\k22}Pu{\k21}ri{\k21}kyu{\k22}a! {\k21}e{\k23}ga{\k21}o {\k23}de {\k22}a{\k20}e{\k22}ru {\k31}yo
Dialogue: 0,0:22:20.86,0:22:27.05,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}What kind of dreams await us beyond the heavens?
Dialogue: 0,0:22:27.87,0:22:37.13,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}Just believe in and reach out to the future that stretches out endlessly before you.
Dialogue: 0,0:22:37.31,0:22:42.65,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}P-P-P-Precure! P-P-P-Precure!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:44.30,0:22:48.95,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}P-P-P-Precure! Let's get pumped! Yeah! Yeah!
Dialogue: 0,0:22:49.24,0:22:55.54,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&HEA43EE&}What kinda wish do I hold in my little hands?
Dialogue: 0,0:22:56.17,0:23:02.38,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&HEF0999&}Where are you now? What do you see? What do you feel?
Dialogue: 0,0:23:02.46,0:23:06.55,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&HC6ABE6&}Hey, {\3c&HF9B07C&}the future's not just something that's light-years away!
Dialogue: 0,0:23:06.59,0:23:09.97,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&H24ABD2&}And yes, we know that's not really a unit of time!
Dialogue: 0,0:23:10.01,0:23:14.52,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&H9B7F2F&}The light of our radiant hopes will shine into the future.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:14.64,0:23:20.98,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}What ties the world together is love.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:21.73,0:23:28.45,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3}This isn't just a pipe dream. We'll be together through thick and thin.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:28.49,0:23:34.66,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&H682BD8&}What kind of dreams await us beyond the heavens?
Dialogue: 0,0:23:35.52,0:23:44.86,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&H682BD8&}They mean so much to us, and we'll share that through this song!
Dialogue: 0,0:23:44.99,0:23:48.49,EDEnglish,,0,0,0,,{\blur3\3c&H682BD8&}P-P-P-Precure! We can meet with a smile.
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,---ED END---
Comment: 0,0:23:50.38,0:23:50.40,Default,Cheryl,0,0,0,,Preview
Dialogue: 0,0:23:52.89,0:23:56.91,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,Mana-chan, security cameras {ぼうはんカメラ} caught the Precure in action.
Dialogue: 0,0:23:56.91,0:23:59.52,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Are you serious, Alice? What are we gonna do?!
Dialogue: 0,0:23:59.52,0:24:03.00,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,As it is, I'm afraid the existence of the Precure will be publicly revealed!
Dialogue: 0,0:24:03.00,0:24:04.16,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,We can't let that happen!
Dialogue: 0,0:24:04.16,0:24:07.90,Default,Alice,0,0,0,,Then I suggest you allow me to\Nbecome the Precure's manager!
Dialogue: 0,0:24:07.90,0:24:09.70,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,M-Manager?
Dialogue: 0,0:24:10.48,0:24:12.17,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,{\i1}DokiDoki! Precure:
Dialogue: 0,0:24:16.18,0:24:18.64,Default,Mana,0,0,0,,Be still my beating heart!
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Typesetting
Dialogue: 0,0:03:25.32,0:03:30.42,Title,Title,0,0,0,,{\fad(160,0)\pos(640,180)}Introducing my Greatest Ally!
Dialogue: 0,0:03:25.32,0:03:30.42,Title,,0,0,0,,{\fad(160,0)\pos(640,550)}Cure Diamond
Dialogue: 0,0:03:45.67,0:03:46.31,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\move(650,830,650,405)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:45.67,0:03:46.31,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\move(650,830,650,405)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.31,0:03:46.34,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,401)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.31,0:03:46.34,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,401)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.34,0:03:46.37,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,381)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.34,0:03:46.37,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,381)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.37,0:03:46.41,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,363)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.37,0:03:46.41,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,363)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.41,0:03:46.44,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,345)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.41,0:03:46.44,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,345)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.44,0:03:46.47,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,328)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.44,0:03:46.47,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,328)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.47,0:03:46.51,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,310)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.47,0:03:46.51,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,310)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.51,0:03:46.54,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,294)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.51,0:03:46.54,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,294)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.54,0:03:46.57,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,278)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.54,0:03:46.57,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,278)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.57,0:03:46.61,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,263)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.57,0:03:46.61,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,263)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.61,0:03:46.64,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,248)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.61,0:03:46.64,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,248)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.64,0:03:46.67,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,233)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.64,0:03:46.67,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,233)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.67,0:03:46.71,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,219)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.67,0:03:46.71,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,219)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.71,0:03:46.74,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,204)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.71,0:03:46.74,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,204)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.74,0:03:46.77,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,190)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.74,0:03:46.77,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,190)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.77,0:03:46.81,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,178)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.77,0:03:46.81,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,178)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.81,0:03:46.84,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,166)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.81,0:03:46.84,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,166)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.84,0:03:46.87,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,156)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.84,0:03:46.87,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,156)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.87,0:03:46.91,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,145)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.87,0:03:46.91,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,145)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.91,0:03:46.97,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,135)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.91,0:03:46.97,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,135)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.97,0:03:47.04,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,120)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:46.97,0:03:47.04,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,120)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:47.04,0:03:47.11,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,107)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:47.04,0:03:47.11,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,107)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:47.11,0:03:47.17,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,99)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:47.11,0:03:47.17,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,99)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:47.17,0:03:51.21,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs100\pos(650,96)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:03:47.17,0:03:51.21,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\1a&HFF&\fs100\pos(650,96)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.44,0:04:18.47,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs90\pos(548,196)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 257 96 l 258 194 260 202 285 206 304 203 320 210 331 208 334 203 336 200 327 198 318 198 312 191 326 192 330 191 334 184 338 178 340 171 341 166 344 160 344 155 344 147 344 142 344 140 345 133 347 130 349 126 353 124 356 123 365 126 369 127 372 129 375 127 381 127 383 130 389 132 394 131 400 134 403 138 405 141 406 145 410 144 414 144 419 145 427 147 437 148 444 153 451 156 457 157 461 159 464 161 468 157 472 155 476 157 479 157 483 161 487 164 492 168 497 173 500 180 504 186 505 193 505 195 509 192 517 193 524 197 529 201 535 203 539 201 542 201 549 203 553 202 560 199 565 199 572 200 602 202 609 202 616 203 628 202 632 202 648 203 661 205 666 203 671 203 697 203 720 203 728 202 742 204 755 205 782 208 786 205 794 203 810 202 828 207 832 202 840 188 842 178 845 163 846 154 848 143 842 128 834 108 829 105 826 104 819 101 691 97 612 96 486 93 417 93 353 93)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.44,0:04:18.47,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs90\pos(548,196)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 257 96 l 258 194 260 202 285 206 304 203 320 210 331 208 334 203 336 200 327 198 318 198 312 191 326 192 330 191 334 184 338 178 340 171 341 166 344 160 344 155 344 147 344 142 344 140 345 133 347 130 349 126 353 124 356 123 365 126 369 127 372 129 375 127 381 127 383 130 389 132 394 131 400 134 403 138 405 141 406 145 410 144 414 144 419 145 427 147 437 148 444 153 451 156 457 157 461 159 464 161 468 157 472 155 476 157 479 157 483 161 487 164 492 168 497 173 500 180 504 186 505 193 505 195 509 192 517 193 524 197 529 201 535 203 539 201 542 201 549 203 553 202 560 199 565 199 572 200 602 202 609 202 616 203 628 202 632 202 648 203 661 205 666 203 671 203 697 203 720 203 728 202 742 204 755 205 782 208 786 205 794 203 810 202 828 207 832 202 840 188 842 178 845 163 846 154 848 143 842 128 834 108 829 105 826 104 819 101 691 97 612 96 486 93 417 93 353 93)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.47,0:04:18.50,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs75\pos(550,193)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 299 111 l 304 209 365 210 367 201 369 191 360 193 347 186 353 185 360 186 367 178 370 172 371 166 373 158 374 148 376 138 376 130 379 126 384 126 393 126 398 128 406 130 411 130 416 134 422 138 426 140 428 144 436 144 442 146 451 148 460 149 470 152 475 156 480 158 483 158 485 156 490 154 495 157 501 162 506 170 510 176 514 184 516 193 516 200 522 198 539 200 620 202 732 206 788 202 787 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.47,0:04:18.50,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs75\pos(550,193)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 299 111 l 304 209 365 210 367 201 369 191 360 193 347 186 353 185 360 186 367 178 370 172 371 166 373 158 374 148 376 138 376 130 379 126 384 126 393 126 398 128 406 130 411 130 416 134 422 138 426 140 428 144 436 144 442 146 451 148 460 149 470 152 475 156 480 158 483 158 485 156 490 154 495 157 501 162 506 170 510 176 514 184 516 193 516 200 522 198 539 200 620 202 732 206 788 202 787 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.50,0:04:18.54,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs68\pos(550,190)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 322 111 l 328 199 387 199 391 188 378 188 366 183 365 177 373 176 380 180 388 175 392 168 394 153 396 140 400 128 414 128 425 131 436 134 445 137 445 141 450 145 472 148 482 152 489 156 498 151 506 156 513 166 520 177 524 189 524 194 763 193 764 116)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.50,0:04:18.54,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs68\pos(550,190)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 322 111 l 328 199 387 199 391 188 378 188 366 183 365 177 373 176 380 180 388 175 392 168 394 153 396 140 400 128 414 128 425 131 436 134 445 137 445 141 450 145 472 148 482 152 489 156 498 151 506 156 513 166 520 177 524 189 524 194 763 193 764 116)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.54,0:04:18.57,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs64\pos(551,186)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 340 112 l 340 196 401 200 402 191 404 182 397 184 387 182 383 177 392 179 398 179 401 171 406 166 408 156 408 148 410 139 410 131 415 129 421 129 428 130 434 132 438 136 444 136 449 137 452 139 453 144 453 146 460 147 468 148 475 148 482 150 489 153 497 157 502 153 506 155 514 160 519 166 523 172 524 180 527 188 527 194 756 192 752 112)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.54,0:04:18.57,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs64\pos(551,186)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 340 112 l 340 196 401 200 402 191 404 182 397 184 387 182 383 177 392 179 398 179 401 171 406 166 408 156 408 148 410 139 410 131 415 129 421 129 428 130 434 132 438 136 444 136 449 137 452 139 453 144 453 146 460 147 468 148 475 148 482 150 489 153 497 157 502 153 506 155 514 160 519 166 523 172 524 180 527 188 527 194 756 192 752 112)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.57,0:04:18.60,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs60\pos(554,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 351 112 l 354 203 410 202 408 196 409 185 405 182 396 179 391 177 396 175 403 178 407 177 410 173 412 166 414 161 414 153 416 140 419 132 422 130 432 131 438 134 446 134 451 136 456 136 457 140 458 146 460 148 464 147 473 147 479 148 486 150 492 152 499 156 504 155 507 153 515 157 520 163 523 170 525 177 527 185 529 197 529 202 752 197 751 106)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.57,0:04:18.60,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs60\pos(554,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 351 112 l 354 203 410 202 408 196 409 185 405 182 396 179 391 177 396 175 403 178 407 177 410 173 412 166 414 161 414 153 416 140 419 132 422 130 432 131 438 134 446 134 451 136 456 136 457 140 458 146 460 148 464 147 473 147 479 148 486 150 492 152 499 156 504 155 507 153 515 157 520 163 523 170 525 177 527 185 529 197 529 202 752 197 751 106)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.60,0:04:18.64,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs58\pos(555,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 356 110 l 359 193 411 193 414 192 415 184 414 179 406 182 400 179 395 176 402 176 408 178 411 176 414 172 416 167 417 162 419 158 419 151 420 144 420 140 423 132 425 129 432 131 437 134 442 134 448 136 454 137 459 138 460 140 462 148 465 147 474 147 481 149 488 152 496 153 500 156 502 157 506 154 509 153 512 156 517 161 521 166 524 170 528 178 529 185 528 191 529 195 743 198 744 111)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.60,0:04:18.64,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs58\pos(555,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 356 110 l 359 193 411 193 414 192 415 184 414 179 406 182 400 179 395 176 402 176 408 178 411 176 414 172 416 167 417 162 419 158 419 151 420 144 420 140 423 132 425 129 432 131 437 134 442 134 448 136 454 137 459 138 460 140 462 148 465 147 474 147 481 149 488 152 496 153 500 156 502 157 506 154 509 153 512 156 517 161 521 166 524 170 528 178 529 185 528 191 529 195 743 198 744 111)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.64,0:04:18.67,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs57\pos(555,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 359 112 l 362 192 416 193 416 186 418 179 410 180 399 176 404 172 406 174 410 175 414 174 419 168 419 164 421 157 421 148 423 140 425 134 426 132 433 131 437 133 447 134 453 137 461 138 462 140 462 145 465 147 472 146 478 147 488 150 495 152 502 156 507 154 509 153 513 155 520 160 524 165 525 171 527 176 530 183 530 194 740 193 739 112)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.64,0:04:18.67,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs57\pos(555,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 359 112 l 362 192 416 193 416 186 418 179 410 180 399 176 404 172 406 174 410 175 414 174 419 168 419 164 421 157 421 148 423 140 425 134 426 132 433 131 437 133 447 134 453 137 461 138 462 140 462 145 465 147 472 146 478 147 488 150 495 152 502 156 507 154 509 153 513 155 520 160 524 165 525 171 527 176 530 183 530 194 740 193 739 112)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.67,0:04:18.70,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs56\pos(556,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 367 111 l 368 194 417 194 417 188 418 180 411 182 400 179 401 174 406 175 412 175 417 169 420 166 423 158 424 145 426 134 430 131 438 131 446 134 454 136 460 138 463 142 465 146 470 147 480 148 488 150 494 152 502 156 508 153 514 153 520 160 525 167 529 177 530 184 531 192 741 194 739 116)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.67,0:04:18.70,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs56\pos(556,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 367 111 l 368 194 417 194 417 188 418 180 411 182 400 179 401 174 406 175 412 175 417 169 420 166 423 158 424 145 426 134 430 131 438 131 446 134 454 136 460 138 463 142 465 146 470 147 480 148 488 150 494 152 502 156 508 153 514 153 520 160 525 167 529 177 530 184 531 192 741 194 739 116)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.70,0:04:18.74,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs56\pos(556,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 367 111 l 368 194 417 194 417 188 418 180 411 182 400 179 401 174 406 175 412 175 417 169 420 166 423 158 424 145 426 134 430 131 438 131 446 134 454 136 460 138 463 142 465 146 470 147 480 148 488 150 494 152 502 156 508 153 514 153 520 160 525 167 529 177 530 184 531 192 741 194 739 116)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.70,0:04:18.74,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs56\pos(556,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 367 111 l 368 194 417 194 417 188 418 180 411 182 400 179 401 174 406 175 412 175 417 169 420 166 423 158 424 145 426 134 430 131 438 131 446 134 454 136 460 138 463 142 465 146 470 147 480 148 488 150 494 152 502 156 508 153 514 153 520 160 525 167 529 177 530 184 531 192 741 194 739 116)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.74,0:04:18.77,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs55.5\pos(556,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 367 111 l 368 194 417 194 417 188 418 180 411 182 400 179 401 174 406 175 412 175 417 169 420 166 423 158 424 145 426 134 430 131 438 131 446 134 454 136 460 138 463 142 465 146 470 147 480 148 488 150 494 152 502 156 508 153 514 153 520 160 525 167 529 177 530 184 531 192 741 194 739 116)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.74,0:04:18.77,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs55.5\pos(556,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 367 111 l 368 194 417 194 417 188 418 180 411 182 400 179 401 174 406 175 412 175 417 169 420 166 423 158 424 145 426 134 430 131 438 131 446 134 454 136 460 138 463 142 465 146 470 147 480 148 488 150 494 152 502 156 508 153 514 153 520 160 525 167 529 177 530 184 531 192 741 194 739 116)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.77,0:04:18.80,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs55\pos(556,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 367 111 l 368 194 417 194 417 188 418 180 411 182 400 179 401 174 406 175 412 175 417 169 420 166 423 158 424 145 426 134 430 131 438 131 446 134 454 136 460 138 463 142 465 146 470 147 480 148 488 150 494 152 502 156 508 153 514 153 520 160 525 167 529 177 530 184 531 192 741 194 739 116)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.77,0:04:18.80,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs55\pos(556,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 367 111 l 368 194 417 194 417 188 418 180 411 182 400 179 401 174 406 175 412 175 417 169 420 166 423 158 424 145 426 134 430 131 438 131 446 134 454 136 460 138 463 142 465 146 470 147 480 148 488 150 494 152 502 156 508 153 514 153 520 160 525 167 529 177 530 184 531 192 741 194 739 116)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.80,0:04:18.84,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs54.8\pos(557,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.80,0:04:18.84,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs54.8\pos(557,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.84,0:04:18.87,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs54.5\pos(557,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.84,0:04:18.87,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs54.5\pos(557,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.87,0:04:18.90,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs54.2\pos(557,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.87,0:04:18.90,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs54.2\pos(557,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.90,0:04:18.94,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs54\pos(557,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.90,0:04:18.94,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs54\pos(557,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.94,0:04:18.97,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs53.9\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.94,0:04:18.97,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs53.9\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.97,0:04:19.00,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs53.8\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:18.97,0:04:19.00,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs53.8\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 375 189 419 188 420 179 409 181 402 176 409 175 414 176 419 173 422 168 424 158 426 143 429 136 432 132 440 131 444 133 450 134 455 137 459 137 464 137 465 142 467 146 473 147 482 148 491 150 497 153 503 156 508 152 513 153 518 157 522 162 525 167 528 172 530 179 532 187 733 187 733 120)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.00,0:04:19.04,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs53.7\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.00,0:04:19.04,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs53.7\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.04,0:04:19.07,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs53.6\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.04,0:04:19.07,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs53.6\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.07,0:04:19.10,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs53.5\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.07,0:04:19.10,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs53.5\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.10,0:04:19.14,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs53.4\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.10,0:04:19.14,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs53.4\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.14,0:04:19.17,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs53.3\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.14,0:04:19.17,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs53.3\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.17,0:04:19.20,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs53.2\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.17,0:04:19.20,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs53.2\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 373 116 l 376 191 421 192 423 187 424 178 411 180 408 173 414 175 416 176 422 171 425 165 428 159 428 151 429 143 431 137 433 134 438 132 444 134 453 135 458 138 463 138 465 139 468 143 469 145 474 147 482 148 490 149 496 151 504 154 507 152 511 151 514 154 520 159 524 163 528 168 530 174 533 181 534 187 534 192 731 193 731 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.20,0:04:19.24,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs53.1\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 380 115 l 382 192 424 192 425 187 426 179 418 180 410 176 415 176 418 174 424 171 427 166 429 160 429 152 431 140 433 134 435 132 440 131 448 134 457 136 463 137 466 138 469 141 469 146 474 146 483 148 493 150 499 153 507 157 510 153 512 152 516 154 520 159 525 163 528 170 532 178 532 182 534 190 539 192 616 193 616 186 617 182 623 177 634 173 649 168 666 162 673 160 674 165 669 173 661 181 650 184 642 186 636 187 633 190 635 196 685 196 685 189 686 182 693 178 699 180 698 186 696 194 702 198 704 192 708 184 712 182 717 186 717 193 723 193 728 187 725 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.20,0:04:19.24,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs53.1\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 380 115 l 382 192 424 192 425 187 426 179 418 180 410 176 415 176 418 174 424 171 427 166 429 160 429 152 431 140 433 134 435 132 440 131 448 134 457 136 463 137 466 138 469 141 469 146 474 146 483 148 493 150 499 153 507 157 510 153 512 152 516 154 520 159 525 163 528 170 532 178 532 182 534 190 539 192 616 193 616 186 617 182 623 177 634 173 649 168 666 162 673 160 674 165 669 173 661 181 650 184 642 186 636 187 633 190 635 196 685 196 685 189 686 182 693 178 699 180 698 186 696 194 702 198 704 192 708 184 712 182 717 186 717 193 723 193 728 187 725 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.24,0:04:19.27,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs53\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 380 115 l 382 192 424 192 425 187 426 179 418 180 410 176 415 176 418 174 424 171 427 166 429 160 429 152 431 140 433 134 435 132 440 131 448 134 457 136 463 137 466 138 469 141 469 146 474 146 483 148 493 150 499 153 507 157 510 153 512 152 516 154 520 159 525 163 528 170 532 178 532 182 534 190 539 192 616 193 616 186 617 182 623 177 634 173 649 168 666 162 673 160 674 165 669 173 661 181 650 184 642 186 636 187 633 190 635 196 685 196 685 189 686 182 693 178 699 180 698 186 696 194 702 198 704 192 708 184 712 182 717 186 717 193 723 193 728 187 725 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.24,0:04:19.27,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs53\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 380 115 l 382 192 424 192 425 187 426 179 418 180 410 176 415 176 418 174 424 171 427 166 429 160 429 152 431 140 433 134 435 132 440 131 448 134 457 136 463 137 466 138 469 141 469 146 474 146 483 148 493 150 499 153 507 157 510 153 512 152 516 154 520 159 525 163 528 170 532 178 532 182 534 190 539 192 616 193 616 186 617 182 623 177 634 173 649 168 666 162 673 160 674 165 669 173 661 181 650 184 642 186 636 187 633 190 635 196 685 196 685 189 686 182 693 178 699 180 698 186 696 194 702 198 704 192 708 184 712 182 717 186 717 193 723 193 728 187 725 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.27,0:04:19.30,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52.9\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 380 115 l 382 192 424 192 425 187 426 179 418 180 410 176 415 176 418 174 424 171 427 166 429 160 429 152 431 140 433 134 435 132 440 131 448 134 457 136 463 137 466 138 469 141 469 146 474 146 483 148 493 150 499 153 507 157 510 153 512 152 516 154 520 159 525 163 528 170 532 178 532 182 534 190 539 192 616 193 616 186 617 182 623 177 634 173 649 168 666 162 673 160 674 165 669 173 661 181 650 184 642 186 636 187 633 190 635 196 685 196 685 189 686 182 693 178 699 180 698 186 696 194 702 198 704 192 708 184 712 182 717 186 717 193 723 193 728 187 725 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.27,0:04:19.30,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52.9\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 380 115 l 382 192 424 192 425 187 426 179 418 180 410 176 415 176 418 174 424 171 427 166 429 160 429 152 431 140 433 134 435 132 440 131 448 134 457 136 463 137 466 138 469 141 469 146 474 146 483 148 493 150 499 153 507 157 510 153 512 152 516 154 520 159 525 163 528 170 532 178 532 182 534 190 539 192 616 193 616 186 617 182 623 177 634 173 649 168 666 162 673 160 674 165 669 173 661 181 650 184 642 186 636 187 633 190 635 196 685 196 685 189 686 182 693 178 699 180 698 186 696 194 702 198 704 192 708 184 712 182 717 186 717 193 723 193 728 187 725 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.30,0:04:19.34,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52.8\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 380 115 l 382 192 424 192 425 187 426 179 418 180 410 176 415 176 418 174 424 171 427 166 429 160 429 152 431 140 433 134 435 132 440 131 448 134 457 136 463 137 466 138 469 141 469 146 474 146 483 148 493 150 499 153 507 157 510 153 512 152 516 154 520 159 525 163 528 170 532 178 532 182 534 190 539 192 616 193 616 186 617 182 623 177 634 173 649 168 666 162 673 160 674 165 669 173 661 181 650 184 642 186 636 187 633 190 635 196 685 196 685 189 686 182 693 178 699 180 698 186 696 194 702 198 704 192 708 184 712 182 717 186 717 193 723 193 728 187 725 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.30,0:04:19.34,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52.8\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 380 115 l 382 192 424 192 425 187 426 179 418 180 410 176 415 176 418 174 424 171 427 166 429 160 429 152 431 140 433 134 435 132 440 131 448 134 457 136 463 137 466 138 469 141 469 146 474 146 483 148 493 150 499 153 507 157 510 153 512 152 516 154 520 159 525 163 528 170 532 178 532 182 534 190 539 192 616 193 616 186 617 182 623 177 634 173 649 168 666 162 673 160 674 165 669 173 661 181 650 184 642 186 636 187 633 190 635 196 685 196 685 189 686 182 693 178 699 180 698 186 696 194 702 198 704 192 708 184 712 182 717 186 717 193 723 193 728 187 725 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.34,0:04:19.37,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52.7\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 380 116 l 382 196 426 196 426 189 428 178 417 180 409 174 414 173 420 174 425 172 428 165 431 160 432 150 433 140 436 134 440 132 448 133 456 137 461 137 469 138 470 144 470 146 478 148 482 147 493 150 498 150 507 156 510 153 513 152 520 156 525 161 530 169 533 177 533 184 534 190 534 194 626 193 618 182 607 165 600 152 596 145 595 138 596 134 603 131 613 128 626 122 638 118 648 116 656 114 661 112 662 118 660 123 654 129 646 134 633 137 625 140 617 144 617 149 620 156 624 161 627 170 632 177 635 185 641 195 668 196 678 197 686 188 696 188 720 187 729 188 728 153 726 142 715 128 708 122 706 129 701 130 698 134 698 125 690 125 692 133 687 139 681 135 680 128 678 124 678 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.34,0:04:19.37,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52.7\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 380 116 l 382 196 426 196 426 189 428 178 417 180 409 174 414 173 420 174 425 172 428 165 431 160 432 150 433 140 436 134 440 132 448 133 456 137 461 137 469 138 470 144 470 146 478 148 482 147 493 150 498 150 507 156 510 153 513 152 520 156 525 161 530 169 533 177 533 184 534 190 534 194 626 193 618 182 607 165 600 152 596 145 595 138 596 134 603 131 613 128 626 122 638 118 648 116 656 114 661 112 662 118 660 123 654 129 646 134 633 137 625 140 617 144 617 149 620 156 624 161 627 170 632 177 635 185 641 195 668 196 678 197 686 188 696 188 720 187 729 188 728 153 726 142 715 128 708 122 706 129 701 130 698 134 698 125 690 125 692 133 687 139 681 135 680 128 678 124 678 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.37,0:04:19.40,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52.6\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 380 116 l 382 196 426 196 426 189 428 178 417 180 409 174 414 173 420 174 425 172 428 165 431 160 432 150 433 140 436 134 440 132 448 133 456 137 461 137 469 138 470 144 470 146 478 148 482 147 493 150 498 150 507 156 510 153 513 152 520 156 525 161 530 169 533 177 533 184 534 190 534 194 626 193 618 182 607 165 600 152 596 145 595 138 596 134 603 131 613 128 626 122 638 118 648 116 656 114 661 112 662 118 660 123 654 129 646 134 633 137 625 140 617 144 617 149 620 156 624 161 627 170 632 177 635 185 641 195 668 196 678 197 686 188 696 188 720 187 729 188 728 153 726 142 715 128 708 122 706 129 701 130 698 134 698 125 690 125 692 133 687 139 681 135 680 128 678 124 678 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.37,0:04:19.40,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52.6\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 380 116 l 382 196 426 196 426 189 428 178 417 180 409 174 414 173 420 174 425 172 428 165 431 160 432 150 433 140 436 134 440 132 448 133 456 137 461 137 469 138 470 144 470 146 478 148 482 147 493 150 498 150 507 156 510 153 513 152 520 156 525 161 530 169 533 177 533 184 534 190 534 194 626 193 618 182 607 165 600 152 596 145 595 138 596 134 603 131 613 128 626 122 638 118 648 116 656 114 661 112 662 118 660 123 654 129 646 134 633 137 625 140 617 144 617 149 620 156 624 161 627 170 632 177 635 185 641 195 668 196 678 197 686 188 696 188 720 187 729 188 728 153 726 142 715 128 708 122 706 129 701 130 698 134 698 125 690 125 692 133 687 139 681 135 680 128 678 124 678 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.40,0:04:19.44,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52.5\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 380 116 l 382 196 426 196 426 189 428 178 417 180 409 174 414 173 420 174 425 172 428 165 431 160 432 150 433 140 436 134 440 132 448 133 456 137 461 137 469 138 470 144 470 146 478 148 482 147 493 150 498 150 507 156 510 153 513 152 520 156 525 161 530 169 533 177 533 184 534 190 534 194 626 193 618 182 607 165 600 152 596 145 595 138 596 134 603 131 613 128 626 122 638 118 648 116 656 114 661 112 662 118 660 123 654 129 646 134 633 137 625 140 617 144 617 149 620 156 624 161 627 170 632 177 635 185 641 195 668 196 678 197 686 188 696 188 720 187 729 188 728 153 726 142 715 128 708 122 706 129 701 130 698 134 698 125 690 125 692 133 687 139 681 135 680 128 678 124 678 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.40,0:04:19.44,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52.5\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 380 116 l 382 196 426 196 426 189 428 178 417 180 409 174 414 173 420 174 425 172 428 165 431 160 432 150 433 140 436 134 440 132 448 133 456 137 461 137 469 138 470 144 470 146 478 148 482 147 493 150 498 150 507 156 510 153 513 152 520 156 525 161 530 169 533 177 533 184 534 190 534 194 626 193 618 182 607 165 600 152 596 145 595 138 596 134 603 131 613 128 626 122 638 118 648 116 656 114 661 112 662 118 660 123 654 129 646 134 633 137 625 140 617 144 617 149 620 156 624 161 627 170 632 177 635 185 641 195 668 196 678 197 686 188 696 188 720 187 729 188 728 153 726 142 715 128 708 122 706 129 701 130 698 134 698 125 690 125 692 133 687 139 681 135 680 128 678 124 678 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.44,0:04:19.47,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52.4\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.44,0:04:19.47,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52.4\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.47,0:04:19.51,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52.3\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.47,0:04:19.51,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52.3\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.51,0:04:19.54,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52.2\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.51,0:04:19.54,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52.2\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.54,0:04:19.57,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52.2\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.54,0:04:19.57,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52.2\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.57,0:04:19.61,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52.1\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.57,0:04:19.61,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52.1\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.61,0:04:19.64,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs52\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.61,0:04:19.64,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs52\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.64,0:04:19.67,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51.9\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.64,0:04:19.67,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51.9\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.67,0:04:19.71,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51.8\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.67,0:04:19.71,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51.8\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.71,0:04:19.74,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51.7\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.71,0:04:19.74,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51.7\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.74,0:04:19.77,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51.6\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.74,0:04:19.77,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51.6\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.77,0:04:19.81,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51.5\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.77,0:04:19.81,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51.5\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.81,0:04:19.84,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51.4\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.81,0:04:19.84,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51.4\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 674 186 714 186 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.84,0:04:19.87,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51.3\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 676 191 693 180 702 189 713 181 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.84,0:04:19.87,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51.3\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 676 191 693 180 702 189 713 181 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.87,0:04:19.91,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51.3\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 676 191 693 180 702 189 713 181 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.87,0:04:19.91,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51.3\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 676 191 693 180 702 189 713 181 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.91,0:04:19.94,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51.2\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 676 191 693 180 702 189 713 181 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.91,0:04:19.94,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51.2\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 676 191 693 180 702 189 713 181 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.94,0:04:19.97,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51.1\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 676 191 693 180 702 189 713 181 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.94,0:04:19.97,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51.1\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 378 121 l 380 202 428 202 427 194 427 187 428 177 420 180 411 176 414 173 420 175 425 174 428 171 431 161 432 155 433 145 434 138 436 134 440 131 447 133 453 135 460 137 464 137 468 138 469 142 470 146 472 147 476 147 485 149 494 151 502 154 509 157 511 153 514 153 520 156 525 162 529 168 532 175 533 182 534 189 534 198 533 205 603 208 651 185 636 176 620 162 604 147 594 130 586 115 582 105 580 99 581 94 589 89 603 85 612 82 629 78 637 74 646 70 649 73 648 79 646 85 642 91 634 96 626 98 616 102 605 104 605 109 606 116 610 127 616 138 620 146 625 154 630 160 635 166 642 173 650 179 653 185 676 191 693 180 702 189 713 181 726 186 730 168 725 110 377 108)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.97,0:04:20.01,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs51\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:19.97,0:04:20.01,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs51\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.01,0:04:20.04,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50.9\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.01,0:04:20.04,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50.9\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.04,0:04:20.07,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50.9\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.04,0:04:20.07,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50.9\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.07,0:04:20.11,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50.8\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.07,0:04:20.11,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50.8\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.11,0:04:20.14,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50.7\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.11,0:04:20.14,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50.7\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.14,0:04:20.17,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50.6\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.14,0:04:20.17,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50.6\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 107 l 386 202 431 201 430 195 429 188 431 177 422 180 412 173 417 172 421 174 425 174 430 169 433 165 433 157 433 150 436 139 438 132 444 131 454 134 462 136 467 138 471 139 473 142 473 146 477 147 484 147 491 149 502 152 509 155 512 153 516 152 521 156 527 163 531 171 534 179 534 188 550 192 568 188 651 185 636 176 609 152 591 129 582 107 580 96 588 91 612 83 625 78 638 73 644 72 646 80 642 91 634 96 618 102 608 104 603 107 605 115 608 125 616 140 625 156 631 161 636 167 641 173 646 178 649 181 660 184 678 186 683 183 688 182 692 184 695 187 697 190 700 191 704 187 708 182 713 182 720 181 733 168 732 114)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.17,0:04:20.21,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50.5\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.17,0:04:20.21,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50.5\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.21,0:04:20.24,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50.4\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.21,0:04:20.24,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50.4\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.24,0:04:20.27,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50.3\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.24,0:04:20.27,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50.3\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.27,0:04:20.31,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50.2\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.27,0:04:20.31,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50.2\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.31,0:04:20.34,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50.1\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.31,0:04:20.34,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50.1\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.34,0:04:20.37,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs50\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 384 112 l 386 194 431 195 432 186 432 178 423 180 415 174 421 173 426 173 430 170 434 164 436 156 437 146 439 136 440 132 447 132 456 133 463 136 469 137 472 140 474 144 476 146 482 147 490 148 500 150 504 154 509 155 515 153 520 154 524 159 528 166 532 173 534 181 535 190 535 193 683 198 685 196 680 188 679 180 682 178 688 178 692 179 696 183 698 186 700 184 704 181 707 178 710 176 715 174 718 174 723 176 723 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.34,0:04:20.37,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs50\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.37,0:04:20.41,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\fs49.9\pos(557.2,183)\c&H935BE6&\shad0\bord15\blur7\3c&HF3F0F1&\clip(m 384 112 l 386 194 431 195 432 186 432 178 423 180 415 174 421 173 426 173 430 170 434 164 436 156 437 146 439 136 440 132 447 132 456 133 463 136 469 137 472 140 474 144 476 146 482 147 490 148 500 150 504 154 509 155 515 153 520 154 524 159 528 166 532 173 534 181 535 190 535 193 683 198 685 196 680 188 679 180 682 178 688 178 692 179 696 183 698 186 700 184 704 181 707 178 710 176 715 174 718 174 723 176 723 118)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:04:20.37,0:04:20.41,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\blur3\1a&HFF&\fs49.9\pos(557.2,183)\shad0\bord3\3c&H8CCBF1&\clip(m 386 113 l 388 198 430 198 430 192 430 182 432 176 424 180 416 174 421 172 424 174 428 172 431 168 434 161 435 154 436 145 437 136 441 132 449 133 457 135 463 138 472 138 473 141 474 146 479 148 488 149 496 150 505 153 510 156 513 153 520 153 524 158 529 165 532 173 534 180 536 187 534 196 637 198 650 187 626 169 598 142 589 124 582 108 581 96 590 90 604 85 617 80 633 75 642 73 644 80 642 90 636 96 626 100 610 104 605 106 604 109 607 120 612 131 618 145 624 156 630 166 638 173 646 180 654 188 660 195 674 196 680 190 680 183 682 180 687 180 692 181 695 184 697 187 701 187 703 182 707 178 713 178 717 177 723 178 721 117)}Kenzaki Makoto
Dialogue: 0,0:05:47.76,0:05:50.73,Sign (Default Copy),Sign,0,0,0,,{\c&H579294&\bord0\shad0\fnVictualia\pos(601,430)\fs60\blur1}Western Cuisine Restaurant
Dialogue: 0,0:05:47.76,0:05:50.73,Sign (Default Copy),,0,0,0,,{\c&H579294&\bord0\shad0\fnVictualia\pos(601,580)\fs90\blur1}Pig{\fnArial\fs45}'{\fnVictualia\fs95}s Tail
Comment: 0,0:08:57.28,0:08:57.32,Sign (Default Copy),Neon sign behind Ira's head,0,0,0,,gog♥! Jikochu {in Romaji, probably need to discuss what to do with this one, I'm in favor of just leaving it as is. As in, not actually typesetting it.}
Dialogue: 0,0:18:11.47,0:18:13.94,Sign (Default Copy),Posted notice,0,0,0,,{\q2\move(800,600,450,600)\fs70\c&H5E6263&\bord0\shad0\fnArtificeSSK\clip(80,0,1170,720)}Now accepting Student Council nominations {生徒会立候補募集}
Dialogue: 0,0:18:11.47,0:18:13.94,Sign (Default Copy),Posted notice,0,0,0,,{\blur5\q2\move(800,600,450,600)\fs70\c&H5E6263&\bord0\shad0\fnArtificeSSK}Now accepting Student Council nominations {生徒会立候補募集}
Dialogue: 0,0:24:12.18,0:24:16.17,Title,Mana,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,190)}I must decline! {Not sure if this is お嬢様 enough, but I think so, as I did pick 'decline' instead of 'refuse'.}
Dialogue: 0,0:24:12.18,0:24:16.17,Title,Mana,0,0,0,,{\pos(640,550)}I cannot be a Precure!!
Comment: 0,0:00:00.00,0:00:00.00,Default,,0,0,0,,Sponsors
Dialogue: 0,0:03:07.43,0:03:12.94,Default,,0,0,0,,DokiDoki! Precure is brought to you by Bandai {\fscx250}-{\r}
Dialogue: 0,0:03:14.37,0:03:17.78,Default,,0,0,0,,the company that makes things fun,\Nand the following sponsors.
Dialogue: 0,0:24:20.42,0:24:26.07,Default,,0,0,0,,DokiDoki! Precure was brought to you by Bandai {\fscx250}-{\r}
Dialogue: 0,0:24:27.44,0:24:31.04,Default,,0,0,0,,the company that makes things fun,\Nand the following sponsors.
Dialogue: 0,0:24:16.17,0:24:16.18,Title,,0,0,0,,